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Online Attendance

Class Attendance: Class attendance in an online course takes the form of participation in course activities and engagement with course materials. Submission of an assignment or participation in a forum discussion constitutes attendance. At the instructor’s discretion, missing assignments in any session may result in an F for the session and may require the repetition of that session. Normal tuition costs will apply.

Make-Up Assignments: Makeup policies for online assignments are specified in the course syllabus.

Attendance and Grading: As stated, submission of an assignment or participation in a forum discussion constitutes attendance. Within that framework, attendance and grading policies for each course are specified in the syllabus. The faculty member has the authority to establish procedures and grade adjustments regarding attendance, tardiness, and early departure. Students should expect their final grades to reflect their timely participation online. Financial aid regulations require attendance and that attendance information be provided to the Program Office along with the final grades.