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Grading System

The LBC grading system can be found online by clicking on Accelerated & Undergraduate Catalog.

A (4.0) Clearly stands out as excellent performance. Has unusually sharp insights into material and initiates thoughtful questions. Sees many sides of an issue. Articulates well and writes logically and clearly. Integrates ideas previously learned from this and other disciplines. Anticipates next steps in progression of ideas. Example: “A” work should be of such nature that it could be put on reserve for all students to review and emulate. The “A” student is, in fact, an example for others to follow.

B (3.0) Demonstrates a solid comprehension of the subject matter and always accomplishes all course requirements. Serves as an active participant and listener. Communicates orally and in writing at an acceptable level for an undergraduate. Work shows intuition and creativity.

Example: “B” work indicates good quality of performance and is given in recognition for solid work; a “B” should be considered a good grade and awarded to those who submit assignments of quality less than the exemplary work described above.

C (2.0) Quality and quantity of work in and out of class is average. Has marginal comprehension, communication skills, or initiative. Requirements of the assignments are addressed at least minimally.

D (1.0) Quality and quantity of work is below average. Elements of the assigned work may be missing or unsatisfactory.

F (0.0) Quality and quantity of work in and out of class is unacceptable for an undergraduate student. Example: This work does not qualify the student to progress to a more advanced level of work.

I Incomplete

W Course Withdrawal (not calculated on GPA)


The standard grading scale for Adult Education is as follows: 


Superior                  A             94-100 Passing               D+           68-69

          A-            90-93             D             64-67  


Good                       B+           88-89                                Failing                  F              0-59                           

B             84-87

                                B-            80-83

Satisfactory             C+           78-79 

                  C             74-77   

C-            70-73