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On-Campus Attendance

Class Meeting Attendance: Due to the concentrated scheduling and the emphasis on participatory learning, students need to be in attendance every week. Absence due to illness or other emergency situations must be made up through activities required by the faculty member in that session or by special requirements determined by the Dean. At the instructor’s discretion, missing more than one full night in any session may result in an F for the session and may require the repetition of that session. Normal tuition costs will apply.

Make-Up Assignments: The student may be required to complete make-up assignments for any absence. Make-up assignments are specified in the syllabus. In their assignments, students must demonstrate that they have interacted with and applied the theories and concepts for each class missed. These assignments do not void absences, but are intended to enable the student to meet course objectives.

Attendance and Grading: It is imperative that students arrive on time for classes. Class time is already at a minimum and missing any additional class time is detrimental to the student’s successful completion of the course. Attendance and grading policies for each course are specified in the syllabus. The faculty member has the authority to establish procedures and grade adjustments regarding attendance, tardiness, and early departure. Instructors are encouraged to keep track of “lates” (i.e. times when students either arrive late to class or must leave before the class is over). Missing more than four hours of class, either through absences and/or the accumulation of lates, may result in failure of the course, at the instructor’s discretion. Students should expect their final grades to reflect all absences and lates according to the discretion of the instructor. Instructors are required to take attendance and provide this information to the Program Office along with the final grades.