2023-2024 Seminary and Graduate Catalog

Special Education PreK-12 (MEd)

Credential: Master of Education

Certification: Eligibility for PA Instructional I – Special Education (PreK-12)

Location: Online

Program Director: Robin Bronkema, PhD

Program Mission Statement: The Master of Education: Special Education seeks to train students from a philosophical basis which reflects a biblical worldview to serve as teachers in Special Education in public and private schools. 

Program Learning Outcomes: As a result of this program,

1 - The teacher candidate will demonstrate the ability to integrate knowledge of content, pedagogy, resources and learners to design coherent learning experiences that are aligned with outcomes and that reach all learners. The special education teacher candidate will synthesize assessment data to design individual educational plans for students.
2 - The teacher candidate will demonstrate the ability to implement safe, equitable, learning-focused environments developed through appropriate rapport between student and teacher, responsiveness to the needs and cultures of all learners, and effective classroom management techniques in an organized physical environment. The special education teacher candidate will design appropriate least-restrictive learning environments for students.
3 - The teacher candidate will demonstrate effective instructional practices as characterized by clear verbal, nonverbal, and media communication, reflective and responsive teaching using multiple instructional strategies, implementation of a variety of assessment measures, engagement of students in higher level thinking and learning,

4 - The teacher candidate will demonstrate professionalism by adhering to ethical, institutional and legal guidelines, maintaining accurate records, seeking opportunities to grow professionally, reflecting on his/her own practice, and collaborating with colleagues, parents, and the community

5 - The teacher candidate will integrate a biblical worldview. The teacher candidate will demonstrate a biblical worldview in his/her personal and professional life.

Students who do not already have PA certification in another area (e.g., early childhood education, middle level education) will need to do 12-week, 6-credit field experience for Apprenticeship II. Apprenticeship II must be completed in person within the state of Pennsylvania, in accordance with Pennsylvania Department of Education requirements.

Curricular Structure and Degree Requirements

Curricular Structure Credits 
Biblical and Theological Foundations Course 
Education Core Courses  24 
Special Education Courses  15 
 Program Total 42 

Biblical & Theological Foundation Course (3 credits)

This chart outlines how prior college-level credits in Bible and theology, as represented on a transcript, apply to the Biblical and Theological Foundations course requirement.

15 or less credits of Bible and theology BTC 503 Foundations for Integration
16-29 credits of Bible and theology BTC 504 Perspectives on Integration
30 or more credits of Bible and theology Requirement satisfied

Education Core Courses (24 credits)

EDU 519Foundations & Framework for Learning


EDU 526Diagnostic Reading Assessment


EDU 550Socio-Cultural Perspectives on Education


EDU 560Teacher's Life and Work


EDU 570Apprenticeship I


EDU 585Apprenticeship II


EDU 598Seminar in Action Research


EDU 599Project in Action Research


Special Education Courses (15 credits)

SPE 501Assessment and Special Education Processes


SPE 502Meeting the Needs of Students with Autism & Behavioral Disorders


SPE 503Teaching Students with Specific Learning Disabilities & Intellectual Disabilities


SPE 504Teaching Students with Low Incidence Disabilities


SPE 505Professionalism, Ethical Practices and Collaboration


Admission, Retention, and Completion

Admission Requirements

Admission into a master's degree program is consistent with the general admissions policy and practice of LBC | Capital. Admission criteria is located in the Admissions Information section of the catalog.

Graduate students with a GPA lower than 3.0 may be admitted to the program under provisional status with Program Coordinator approval. In provisional admittance status, the student must maintain a 3.0 in the first 12 credits of the program in order to be fully admitted into the program.

Transfer Credits

Transfer credit is awarded in accordance with the general transfer policy in the Academic Policies and Procedures section of the catalog. Transfer credits are reviewed and approved by the Program Director. This program has the following program specific transfer credit information.

Graduate Program Program Credits  # of Transfer Credits  Min. Grade of Transfer Credits 
 Special Education (MEd) 42 cr. 9 graduate credits 

Academic Advising

Students in this program are supported by the Student Success Coach and Program Director. The Student Success Coach will monitor student progress and provide encouragement to students throughout their studies. The Program Director is available to meet with students to discuss academic questions and progress, explore questions related to course content, provide career advice and help prepare students for their capstone experiences in the program. The Program Director and Coaches are available for in-person or video conference, phone, or email meetings.

Program Retention

Academic progress in this program is monitored after each term. The Academic Probation policy and Academic Dismissal policy found in this catalog are applied to all LBC | Capital students. Students must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.

Eligibility to enter Apprenticeship I

1. Successful formal admission and retention in the MEd Special Education program
2. Minimum Cumulative GPA = 3.0
3. Renewed Child Abuse, Criminal Record, and Fingerprinting Clearances (within 6 months)
4. TB test (within 6 months)
5. Proof of Liability Insurance
6. Completion of all graduate courses excluding Teacher’s Life & Work and Action Research
7. In good standing with Lancaster Bible College

Graduation Requirements

The following requirements must be successfully completed in order to receive a graduate degree or certificate:

• Satisfactory completion of all course work
• A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0
• Fulfillment of all financial obligations
• Adherence to biblical standards and ethics in living one’s lifestyle

Exit Criteria - Eligibility to be Recommended for Certification

1. Completion of all program requirements and field placement requirements
2. Conferral of degree(s)
3. A minimum of a satisfactory rating (1) in each of the 4 categories on the Pennsylvania Statewide Evaluation Form for Student Professional Knowledge and Practice (PDE-430). There must be 2 final forms. A minimum total of at least 4 points must be achieved on the final summative rating in order to be recommended for certification. The PDE-430 is completed by the college supervisor.
4. Successful completion of required certification tests (PECT).
5. Minimum Cumulative GPA = 3.0
6. Submitted application to TIMS for PA teacher certification.
7. The recommendation of the LBC Certification Officer

The program must be completed in a maximum of five years. If a student wishes to temporarily withdraw from a program, the student must notify the Program Director in writing. If a student needs an extension to continue the program after the five years, a written request must be submitted to the advisor and Program Director.


Program Director: Dr. Robin Bronkema, PhD

Growing up, Dr. Bronkema thought most children enjoyed playing school as much as she did, but it turns our that favorite pastime was a reflection of the love of teaching the Lord had placed in her. She went on to become a teacher in public schools in PA and CT, and then supervised student teachers at a liberal arts college for several years. Discovering that her passion for education and serving the Lord could be combined in Christian Education, she moved into administrative roles in a Christian K-12 school. Those experiences gave birth to her doctoral research, which focused on the leadership development of female Christian school leaders. With a heart for college-age students, she is now thrilled to bring all of those experiences to bear here at LBC.

Outside of campus life, she enjoys long walks with her dog, tennis, and street hockey with her husband and three children, meals with friends, and a strong cup of Earl Grey tea.

PhD in Organizational Leadership, Eastern University
EdM in Human Development and Psychology, Harvard University Graduate School of Education
BA in Psychology and Linguistics, Swarthmore College

Robin Bronkema, PhD
Robert Dodson, EdD - Certification Officer, Field Placement Coordinator
Julia Hershey, DEd
Stacey Martin, EdD

Adjunct Faculty
Angela Becker, EdD
Abigail Fried, MEd
M. Raluca Snyder, EdD
Rachel Welsh, MEd