2021-2022 Graduate Catalog

Formational Leadership (MAFL)


Master of Arts in Formational Leadership

Name of Program

Master of Arts in Formational Leadership


The Master of Arts in Formational Leadership degree is an interconnected learning community designed to equip globally minded ministry leaders in holistic self-care, digital age communication, emotional intelligence, formative leadership principles, storytelling, and global engagement. This 30 credit degree program seeks to transform individual leaders while setting a course for healthy influence within a global village. Biblical, theological, and historical models of interior leadership and influence will be studied in relation to their impact on the 21st century church.

Program Purpose

This major prepares students to serve as leaders in the church and society through developing a biblical framework, missional convictions, and the ability to influence with integrity. Special emphasis on character formation, soul-care, and practical faith practices will be central to the curriculum. Ministry leaders will be equipped to evaluate and care for their own soul as the basis for leading and participating in the mission of God in the global church and marketplace.

Locations offered

Lancaster and Online

Program Director

Mr. Aaron Brown

Faculty List 

Mr. Aaron Brown, MDiv.
Dr. Guy Higashi, PhD
Dr. Wayne Cordeiro, DMin

Paul Levenworth

Program Core Competencies

Core Competency # 1 – Greater Focus on the Self-Care and the Spiritual Journey
Core Competency # 2 – Ministering in a Global Digital Age


MAFL Curricular Structure/Degree Requirements

Competencies & Credits for Each

Competency Credits
 Greater Focus on the Self-Care and the Spiritual Journey  15
 Ministering in a Global Digital Age  15
Global Experiences  0
Program Total  30

Competency 1

Greater Focus on the Self-Care and the Spiritual Journey
MFL 501Self-Care for the 21st Century Leader


MFL 502Integrative Theology


MFL 504Restoration & Reconciliation


MFL 506Global Community Formation


MFL 510Seasons of the Soul in Leadership


Competency 2

Ministering in a Global Digital Age
MFL 503Emotional Intelligence & Digital Age Commuication


MFL 505Leadership as Influence


MFL 507Theology of Organization


MFL 508Shaping Resilient Teams


MFL 509Communication as Story


Competency 3

Global Experiences
CFR 501Eugene Residency


CFR 502International Experience


CFR 503Hawaii Experience


Application, Admission, Retention, and Graduation

Admission Requirements

Application Process

Application Response

