2021-2022 Graduate Catalog

Graduate Certificates

The graduate certificates are 24-credit programs for individuals who do not wish to obtain a master's degree. The programs are focused on specific areas designed to enrich and enlarge the ministries of local church and ministry leaders, Bible teachers, and local church lay leadership. The courses are regular graduate courses taught by Seminary faculty, and part of the degree programs. Credits, if applicable, are transferable into a degree program. Note: Graduate certificate programs are not eligible for Federal Student Aid or Veterans Benefits.

Please see the program curricula here:

  • Bible Certificate
  • Formational Children and Family Ministry Certificate
  • Church Planting Certificate
  • Leadership Studies Certificate
  • Pastoral Studies Certificate
  • Youth & Young Adult Ministry Certificate

Graduate Certificate Program Competencies

The Graduate Certificate program equips students for ministry in the church and society by developing:

  • A foundational knowledge of the narrative, content, and interpretation of the Bible for the purposes of the development of a biblical worldview.
  • Knowledge and skill sets appropriate to the selected Bible or ministry concentration.

Locations Offered

 Lancaster, PA


Application and Admission

Individuals seeking admission must complete the following application steps. Decisions for admission are made using each application piece listed as criteria.

  1. Application Form: Complete the online application and submit the $40 application fee. Once your application has been received, you will be contacted by an Admissions Representative who will guide you through the application process.
  2. Autobiographical Essay: Write an autobiographical essay. Guidelines for the essay are found here or from Adult Learner Services (717-560-8282). This essay is designed to provide applicable life content as well as demonstrate the applicant's writing ability. Applicants will be evaluated on: confirmation of acceptance of Christ as personal Savior, developments in spiritual growth, statement of ministry goals, and rationale for desiring a master's degree. This autobiography has specific guidelines (please follow link above) and is designed for assessing the above content as well as writing ability.
  3. References: Ask two people who are qualified to evaluate your ministry/work experience and potential, to complete the reference form on your behalf. Reference forms are located online here.
  4. Request Official Transcripts: Contact all institutions through which degrees have been awarded to request official transcripts to be sent to Adult Learner Services (717-560-8282). These must be official transcripts sent directly from the degree granting institution(s). There must be a transcript from an accredited institution showing completion of a bachelor's degree with a minimum GPA of 2.5.
  5. Computer Proficiency Form: Please complete the online computer proficiency form.
  6. TOEFL Score: Non-native speakers of English must submit scores from the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). If the applicant has an undergraduate degree from an accredited American college or university, he/she is exempt from the TOEFL requirement. If required, the TOEFL test score must meet the following minimum for admission: paper score 550; computer score 213; or internet score 79. The applicant's skill score in writing will also be considered in the admissions decision.
  7. Personal Interview: Following receipt of the above items, a personal interview will be arranged with a faculty member.

Advanced Standing

The following Biblical and Theological Studies courses are required unless the student has entered the program with advanced standing. Advanced Standing is granted to those students who have completed 30 hours or more of undergraduate Bible and theology courses. Students with less than 30 hours may receive partial Advanced Standing credit proportionate to undergraduate or graduate Bible and theology studies completed.

BTC 523Biblical Narrative - Old Testament


BTC 533Biblical Narrative - New Testament


BTC 563Biblical Interpretation


BTC 573Introduction to Christian Theology


Application Response

Applicants will be notified within three weeks of the submission of all application materials with regards to their acceptance into a program. Five decisions are possible.

  • Full Acceptance: The applicant is fully accepted with no deficiencies or leveling requirements.
  • Accepted with Deficiencies: The applicant is accepted into the program with admission's academic deficiencies identified. The applicant will be informed as to the necessary steps required to achieve full acceptance.
  • Accepted on Review Status: The applicant is admitted pending further review. This may be because a part of the application was incomplete (e.g. a score was not received in time) or because the applicant did not meet one of the admission's requirements.
  • Delay: The applicant may receive an application delay. This may be due to the program being filled, a change in the applicant's life situation, or an event preventing the applicant from attending the first program session. Delayed status applicants will not have to reapply to the program but must pay the program down payment fee.
  • Declined: The applicant who is declined will be notified by mail or email. Specific reasons for the decline are not provided.