2024-2025 Traditional Undergraduate Catalog

Word from the President

Welcome to Lancaster Bible College, where we exist to educate Christian students to think and live a biblical worldview and to proclaim Christ by serving Him in the Church and society. At LBC, we are committed to helping students discover and live out their part in God’s great story. We want every student to see our powerful Creator and His grand redemptive narrative as the story that frames every person and every subject. History, education, business, art, music…you name it—all find their ultimate fulfillment in service to the Creator, or as Paul puts it, to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth under Christ (Ephesians 1:10). Our prayer for students is that they discover their part in God’s over-arching redemptive narrative from Creation to eternity.

Because God does have a part for each of us to play, what could be more important than knowing Him, His Word, and our part in His story? We believe that this happens as students study God’s Word and live it out through meaningful participation in the life of the local and global Church. Our hope for our students and graduates is that they will be in the Word daily, with the Church regularly, and at their craft missionally.

Lancaster Bible College serves students online all over the world and at three locations, offering over 30 undergraduate programs and over 40 graduate programs including four doctoral degrees. With education offered at all levels in-person and online, LBC is committed to equipping followers of Christ to serve Him wherever they are as they live out their part in His story.


Thomas L. Kiedis, PhD, DMin.