COM 690 Strategic Communication Internship
This course immerses students in a pre-professional experience that allows them to practice and further develop the skills taught in their master's program. Students will be placed in their field of interest to prepare them for a career in strategic communication leadership. Students will enhance their communication skills, develop an understanding of leadership skills required of their specific communication field, and begin the professional networking needed to become successful in the workplace. Students, under the supervision of both a qualified professional (onsite supervisor) and the internship professor, will complete, track, and reflect on a minimum of 120 hours of communication field-specific work. Throughout their internship process, this course will challenge students to reflect upon and evaluate their leadership skills and internship performance. (4 credits)
Student has at least 18 credits in COM 500+ (including COM 505 Seminar in Strategic Communication, COM 508 Strategic Communication and Organizational Ethics, and COM 602 Strategic Communication for Non-Profit Organizations and Ministries) or permission of instructor.