2024-2025 Capital Seminary & Graduate School Handbook

Community Life Standards

The Inward Life

God wants our love and devotion. To demonstrate our love for God, the College expects all community members to nurture spiritual growth through consistent prayer, Bible reading, and faithful participation in a local Bible-believing church. (Psalm 119 & Hebrews 10:25)

The clear principles regarding truthfulness, genuine love for others, giving a good report, and speaking only words that lead to edification are essential to Christian testimony and its corresponding trademark to the world, true love. Be kind. Be honest. Be patient. Measure your words. Communicate truth with grace at all times.

We do what we say. Loving others is expressed by dependability. It builds trust and reputation. Dependability is fulfilling what I consented to do, even if it means unexpected sacrifice.

Every person has value in God’s eyes. To reflect that value, we ask our community members to seize every opportunity to respect, encourage, and mentor others – especially our students. Their journey is our focus. Have the right conversation with the right person at the right time. Believe the best. Exude the fruits of the Spirit. (1 Corinthians 13, Galatians 5)

God’s Design
We believe in the dignity of every human as created in the image and likeness of God. An individual’s biological sex, either male or female, is sovereignly and irreversibly appointed by God and is an irreversible aspect of his or her nature. Human sexuality is regulated by Scripture which declares that marriage is the union between one man and one woman with the extraordinary gift of sexual intimacy reserved for marriage alone.


The Outward Life

In order to demonstrate respect and love toward others, community members are expected to refrain from potentially offensive activities. Some guiding questions to consider:
• Will this cause my weaker brother or sister to stumble in their spiritual walk?
• Am I looking beyond what I want to do considering others needs more important than my preferences? (Philippians 2)

Love One Another
Let us be sure to honor one another in our love for one another. Stealing, lying, vandalism, cheating, bribery, threats or acts of violence, harassment, sexual harassment, stalking or abuse (among others) have no place among a community of Christians who seek to love our neighbors as ourselves. Harassment, intimidation or discrimination against others based on race, national origin, age, sex or disability will not be tolerated.

Harmful products
God calls our bodies a temple, not our own as they have been bought with a price, His Son’s blood. Illegal use of substances that impair physical or psychological health are not permitted.

Media Use
We must use godly wisdom, discernment and discretion in our selection of media. It shapes our values and behavior. The old phrase “garbage in, garbage out” applies. Any media with obvious pornographic, excessively profane or coarse language and morally degrading activity are off limits.

Sex and Lifestyle
Human sexuality is regulated by Scripture which declares that marriage is the union between one man and one woman with the extraordinary gift of sexual intimacy reserved for marriage alone. Therefore, any sexual expressions outside of this realm (premarital sex, homosexuality, lesbianism, incest, adultery, fornication, etc.) are immoral, against God’s design thus compromising His intended purity for sex. We are also to abstain from the promotion and advocacy of the aforementioned activities.

Let us do our best to love Him and our neighbor well. (Luke 10)

I have read and agree to abide by the LBC | Capital Community Life Standards.

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