2023-2024 Traditional Undergraduate Catalog

Contacts Directory

To access information about these academic services, use the search function on the LBC website (lbc.edu) or access the Student Portal.

Academic Mentoring Services: allycenter@lbc.edu   717.560.8200 ext. 5389

Accessibility Services: ASO@lbc.edu   717.560.8200 ext. 5383

Ally Center - Lancaster: allycenter@lbc.edu   717.560.8210

Ally Center - DC: AllyDC@lbc.edu

Ally Center - Philadelphia: AllyPhilly@lbc.edu  215.329.5400 ext. 5752

Bookends Bookstore: bookstore@lbc.edu   717.560.8242

Center for Calling & Career: calling@lbc.edu   717.560.8200 ext. 5625

Counseling & Care Center - Lancaster: c3@lbc.edu   717.560.8200 ext. 5581

Digital Learning (Canvas Help): odlsupport@lbc.edu   717.560.8200 ext. 8263

Financial Aid: financialaid@lbc.edu  717.560.8254

Health & Wellness Center - Lancaster: nurse@lbc.edu   717.560.8215

Help Desk - Information Systems: help@lbc.edu   717.560.8200 ext. 4357

Library - Lancaster: circdesk@lbc.edu   717.560.8250

Library - DC: circdesk@lbc.edu   301.552.1400

Library - Philadelphia: circdesk@lbc.edu   215.329.5400

Public Safety - Lancaster: 717.560.8200 ext. 8247

Registrar's Office: registrar@lbc.edu   717.560.8200 ext. 5259

Solutions Center: solutions@lbc.edu   717.560.8254

Writing Services - Lancaster: 717.560.8200 ext. 5389

Writing Services - DC: AllyDC@lbc.edu

Writing Services - Philadelphia: AllyPhilly@lbc.edu  215.329.5400 Ext. 5752