2023-2024 Seminary and Graduate Catalog

Registration and Drop & Add

Course registration for students in global undergraduate, seminary, graduate, and doctoral programs who are currently enrolled and degree-seeking occurs during a registration window for the upcoming term (semester). Students must meet with their student success coach or program directors (for seminary, graduate, and doctoral programs) to choose classes and obtain approval for those classes before registering for them.

Dropping/Adding a Course
Students may drop (also known as unregister) a course through the end of day on Sunday of the first week if they have not had any academic engagement. Academic engagement includes any of the following:

• Attending class
• Submitting the attendance verification assignment
• Submitting a graded discussion board post
• Submitting an assignment, whether graded or ungraded
• Emailing or contacting the faculty member to ask a question about the academic subject studied in the course

If a student has had any academic engagement and wishes to stop taking the class, then the student should withdrawal from the course. See the course withdrawal policy.

Students may add a course after the registration deadline through the first week of class week provided they have written professor approval, course materials in hand, and financial aid or payment ready. Students must provide the written professor approval email to their student success coach. Tuition will be adjusted, and a students’ financial aid may be impacted.

Students should carefully consider the dropping, adding, or withdrawing of a course and consult with their student success coach or program directors (for seminary, graduate, and doctoral programs) and the financial aid office as there may be academic and financial aid implications.

The Drop/Add form is available on the Student Portal.