1.5 Application Deadlines and Admission Evaluation
1.5.1 Application Deadlines:
All application materials must be submitted in full no later than July 15th to be eligible for admission for the next fall semester.
Applications initiated or completed after this date may be placed on a waiting list.
Applications received after July 15th may be delayed for admission until the next year.
1.5.2 Application Evaluation:
Once applicant files are completed in full, applicant profiles will be evaluated in terms of
demonstrated and potential ability to complete doctoral studies and doctoral level research
successfully. Applicants will be notified of the admissions decision within four weeks of the
submission of all application materials.
Five decisions are possible.
1. Full Acceptance: The student is fully accepted with no deficiencies or leveling requirements.
2. Accepted with Deficiencies: The student is accepted into the program with admissions deficiencies identified.
3. Accepted on Review Status: The student is admitted pending further review. This may be because a part of the student's application was incomplete (e.g. a score was not received in time) or because the applicant did not meet one of the admissions requirements.
4. Delay: The student may receive an application delay. This may be due to the program being full, a change in the student's life situation, or an event preventing the student from attending the first program session. Delayed status students will not have to reapply to the program but must pay the program down payment fee.
5. Declined: The student who is declined will be notified by mail or email. Specific reasons for the decline are not provided.