Appendix D – Post-Dissertation Hearing Checklist
Upon completion of a successful dissertation hearing, students will take the following steps.
Manuscript Editing
If you are required to make revisions, make the revisions then send the revised dissertation to your advisor and reader(s) for approval. Once your changes are approved, you are free to proceed to the clean pass steps below. Once the revisions are made and approved, you are free to apply for graduation at the following link: You will receive a copy of your diploma; the official one will be given to you once you complete the following items.
Note: You are required to make your changes in track changes so that your readers can quickly see the original version and the updated one.
Important: The student is responsible for inserting the dissertation signature page into the final version prior to sending the final digital copy to the Style Editor (see next paragraph).
If you are granted a clean pass on your dissertation, make final edits to the dissertation then send a digital copy to the Program Director who will then send it to Joy Hall, the program’s style editor. She will read through your dissertation for any final edits.
Note: Your dissertation should already be a clean copy. Joy’s role is to read through it for any specific issues that might have been missed.
This process can take anywhere from 2-3 months depending on the student and the style editor.
Copyright Information
If the student wishes to formally apply for a copyright, the student would need to pay for it. LBC does not pay for copyright since it is the student’s ownership of their work. The language that is stated in the person’s dissertation protects their work.
Copyright © 2020. Joe E. Student.
All Rights Reserved.
Publication of One’s Dissertation
Dissertations are published free-of charge through two archival entities: ProQuest and Tren. The student is responsible to register his/her dissertation to both organizations by following the steps contained in the link below:
For ProQuest, there are two options: Traditional or Open Source. According to their website, “Traditional Publishing is the option UMI Dissertation Publishing has always supported. Open Access Publishing is a new approach that combines the features of Traditional Publishing with free and open access to the full-text PDF of the graduate work. (Note that there is a $95 fee for Open Access Publishing.)” Either option is fine. It is the student’s decision as to which option is best for them.
Once you register your work you need to contact Colleen Noel ( who will approve the publishing of your dissertation. Your dissertation is not published until this step is finalized.
Purchasing Dissertations
Bound copies of one’s dissertation can be purchased through ProQuest. When you upload your dissertation for publication, you will be asked if you wish to purchase a copy. You can then select the number of copies you would like. If you do not purchase at this point, you will have to wait until after the dissertation is published, typically a few weeks.
Degree Conferral
Once you have completed the aforementioned requirements and paid off any outstanding student balances, your degree is conferred. At this point, you will officially receive your doctoral degree. Your official diploma will be sent to you or given to you at graduation.