2020-2021 Graduate Catalog

Academic Information

Academic Calendar

Graduate School Academic Calendar

The academic year consists of a fall semester (August-December), a spring semester (January-May), and courses throughout the summer. An orientation course is offered online any time a student enters a program.

2020-2021 Academic Calendar





Summer 2020

Term Begins


May 11

Memorial Day


May 25

Offices Closed

Independence Day


July 3

Offices Closed

Term Ends


August 21

Fall 2020

Term Begins


August 31

Labor Day


September 7

Offices Closed



November 26-29

Offices Closed

Term Ends


December 18

Christmas/ New Year's Day


December 25 – January 1

Offices Closed

Spring 2021

Term Begins


January 11

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day


January 18

Offices Closed

Good Friday


April 2

Offices Closed

Term Ends


May 7

Spring Commencement Ceremony


May 7

Lancaster Graduate School Graduates

Spring Commencement Ceremony


May 8

Washington, D.C. Graduate School Graduates


Seminary Academic Calendar

The academic year consists of a fall semester (August-December), a spring semester (December-May), and courses throughout the summer. An orientation course is offered online any time a student enters a program.


2020-2021 Academic Calendar





Summer 2020

Term Begins


May 11

Memorial Day


May 25

Offices Closed

Independence Day


July 3

Offices Closed

Term Ends


August 21

Fall 2020

Term Begins


August 31

Labor Day


September 7

Offices Closed



November 26-29

Offices Closed

Term Ends


December 4

Spring 2021

Term Begins


December 14

Christmas/ New Year's Day


December 25 – January 1

Offices Closed

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day


January 18

Offices Closed

Good Friday


April 2

Offices Closed

Term Ends


May 7

Spring Commencement Ceremony


May 7

Lancaster Seminary Graduates

Spring Commencement Ceremony


May 8

Washington, D.C. Seminary Graduates


MAFL Academic Calendar

The academic year consists of a fall semester (August-December), a spring semester (January-May), and courses throughout the summer. An orientation course is offered online any time a student enters a program.


2020-2021 Academic Calendar





Summer 2020

Term Begins


April 27

Memorial Day


May 25

Offices Closed

Independence Day


July 3

Offices Closed

Term Ends


July 17

Fall 2020

Term Begins


July 27

Labor Day


September 7

Offices Closed

Term Ends


November 20



November 26-29

Offices Closed

Spring 2021

Term Begins


November 30

Christmas/ New Year's Day


December 25 – January 1

Offices Closed

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day


January 18

Offices Closed

Term Ends


March 26

Spring Commencement Ceremony


March 2021

Hawaii Graduates

Please note: The academic calendar dates for the 2020-2021 MAFL program will be 7/27/20 – 3/28/21 which will be different than the rest of the seminary programs.


Doctoral Academic Calendar

The academic year consists of a fall semester (August-December), a spring semester (January-May), and courses throughout the summer. An orientation course is offered online any time a student enters a program.


2020-2021 Academic Calendar





Summer 2020




Term Begins


April 27


Memorial Day


May 25

Offices Closed

Independence Day


July 3

Offices Closed

Term Ends


August 7






Fall 2020




Term Begins


August 24


Labor Day


September 7

Offices Closed



November 26-29

Offices Closed

Term Ends


December 18


Christmas/ New Year's Day


December 25 – January 1

Offices Closed





Spring 2021




Term Begins


January 11


Martin Luther King, Jr. Day


January 18

Offices Closed

Good Friday


April 2

Offices Closed

Term Ends


May 7


Spring Commencement Ceremony


May 7

Lancaster Doctoral Graduates

Spring Commencement Ceremony


May 8

Washington, D.C. Doctoral Graduates




Academic Integrity and Plagiarism Policy

Academic Integrity and Plagiarism Policy

Academic integrity is essential in higher education. As a testimony to God and faithfulness to the original work of others, the Seminary and Graduate School prioritizes integrity in all matters, particularly related to research and writing. Christian leadership should reflect the character and conduct reflective of the high calling and privilege of graduate education. It is the student’s responsibility to be knowledgeable as to what constitutes plagiarism. In order to maintain faithfulness in such matters, the following definitions and procedures are adhered to in the program.

Academic dishonesty includes but is not limited to:

  1. Plagiarism: Submitting as one’s own work part or all of any assignment that is copied, paraphrased, or purchased from another source, including online sources, without the proper acknowledgment of that source.
  2. Fabrication: Submitting altered, contrived, or invented information in any academic assignment.
  3. Misrepresentation of Academic Records: Tampering with any portion of a student’s record.
  4. Facilitating Academic Dishonesty: Helping another individual violate the Academic Integrity Policy.
  5. Unfair Advantage: Attempting, in an inequitable manner, to gain a more favorable playing field than fellow students have on an academic assignment.
  6. Multiple submissions: Submitting the same work to fulfill the requirements for more than one course without authorization of all instructors involved. No more than 10% of a previous course paper should be used in an assignment for another course.
  7. Tolerating Academic Dishonesty: When a student knows about academic dishonesty and fails to address it with the other student, that student is complicit in the dishonesty. If the confronted student fails to confess to the monitor and cease and desist, the other student is responsible to address the issue with the professor.

Types of Plagiarism:

  1. Direct plagiarism: Word-for-word transcription of someone else’s work, without citation and quotation marks.
  2. Self-plagiarism: Submitting one’s own work from previous classes without permission of the professors. As noted, no more than 10% of a previous course should be used in an assignment for another course.
  3. Mosaic plagiarism: Borrowing phrases from a source without quotation marks.
  4. Accidental plagiarism: Neglecting to cite sources, misquoting sources, or unintentionally paraphrasing a source by using similar words.
  5. Adopting someone else’s work: Submitting an assignment written by someone else.

Procedures for Violations of Academic Integrity

In a course, each faculty member is responsible to monitor his/her class for academic integrity.

  1. If a violation of the Academic Integrity Policy is suspected, the professor should meet with the student(s) to discuss the incident and determine, to the professor’s satisfaction, whether or not a violation has occurred. Professors and student(s) may choose to have a witness present at the discussion. Both parties should be notified that a witness will be present and have opportunity to bring his or her own witness. The professor should thoroughly discuss the evidence of the offense then report the violation to the Program Director.
  2. If a student is accused of violating the Academic Integrity Policy, but subsequently the professor determines that the student is innocent or insufficient evidence exists to justify further action, the student should be informed. No report of the accusation or of the professor/student meeting should be filed with the Program Director.
  3. If the professor determines that a violation has occurred, a report should be filed with the Program Director. A duplicate of the report should be provided to the student. (The faculty member must keep originals of tests, papers, and/or projects that provide evidence of the violation.) The report of violation should include the following:
    1. A complete description of the incident, including date of meeting with the student.
    2. Conclusions regarding exact nature of the violation.
    3. Copies of original tests, papers, and/or projects that provide evidence of the violation.
    4. Faculty recommendation.
  4. The Program Director shall convene an interview to determine the appropriate penalties for the offense.
  5. The Program Director shall determine the appropriate consequences and penalties (see below). The conclusion will be sent in written form to the Registrar, respective faculty member for the course, and the student. The letter will be kept as part of the student’s record in the Registrar’s office.
  6. The program desires to act in a redemptive manner rather than one that is punitive. The Program Director will aim to facilitate redemptive growth in the student throughout the process.

Penalties for Violation of the Academic Integrity Policy

The consequences and penalties for academic dishonesty are as follows:

  1. For a first offense, the offense will be as follows: After meeting with the student, the Program Director will determine with the professor the gravity and intentionality of the violation.
    1. If the violation is deemed minor and unintentional, the student will receive a failing grade for the assignment.
    2. If the violation is major and intentional, the student will receive a failing grade for the course thus requiring the student to retake the course in its entirety. In addition, the student will be placed on academic probation for a minimum of one year.
  2. For subsequent offenses, the penalty will be as follows:
    1. Two minor/unintentional offenses will result in failure of the course thus requiring the student to retake the course in its entirety. In addition, the student will be placed on academic probation for a minimum of one year.
    2. Three minor/unintentional offenses will result in the Program Director recommending to the President that the student be expelled.
    3. If the second offense is flagrant regardless if the first offense was unintentional or flagrant, the Program Director will recommend to the President that the student be expelled.
  3. The Program Director will determine what sanctions will be imposed when a student confesses to having cheated in any course already completed.
  4. In terms of academic probation, after one year, the Program Director will review the student’s work from the previous year and meet with the student. If the student has exhibited academic integrity, academic probation will be lifted.

Appeals Process for Violation of the Academic Integrity Policy

The student may appeal in writing to the Department Chair. A student’s intent to appeal a Program Director’s response to a violation must be communicated in writing to the Department Chair within one week of the receipt of the written notification from the Program Director detailing the incident. The Department Chair should hear both the Program Director and the student on the issue as well as review the documents. The Department Chair may convene a committee to review the matter. The decision by the Department Chairman may be appealed next to the Registrar. In the absence of resolution, a final appeal can be made to the Provost who has the final authority to remediate the action.

Academic Dismissal

Students will be academically dismissed after being on probation for two consecutive enrollment periods as a registered student. Students will be notified by letter from the Chair of the respective department giving oversight to one’s major and the Registrar of Lancaster Bible College | Capital Seminary & Graduate School.

When students are academically dismissed, they have the right to appeal for reinstatement if they believe there were extenuating circumstances involved with their poor performance. The appeal must be written and submitted to the Chair of the respective department giving oversight to one’s major within 30 days of receiving the letter of dismissal. The appeal will be considered by the Student Appeals Committee.

Academic Probation

Student academic records will be reviewed following the fall, spring, and summer enrollment periods. Students will be placed on academic probation for the next enrollment period if their GPA falls below a 2.5 for students enrolled in the seminary programs and a 3.0 for the graduate school programs.


Lancaster Bible College/Capital Seminary & Graduate School is an equal opportunity institution that does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex (except where sex is a bona fide occupational qualification), ancestry, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, or genetic information. This policy applies to all terms and conditions of employment, admission to and enrollment with the College. For admission criteria and application process, see individual programs.

Assessment Plan for Programs/Institution

Lancaster Bible College | Capital Seminary & Graduate School exists for the purpose of educating Christian students to think and live a biblical worldview and to proclaim Christ by serving Him in the Church and society. Our vision is to be a premier learning community that intentionally develops the head, heart and hands of servant ministry leaders for global impact. Both mission and vision are integrated through the more general Institutional Values & Goals, Core Knowledge & Skills, Bible & Theology Outcomes, and Arts & Sciences Outcomes, as well as the more specific program and course objectives. Our Philosophy of Education, then, unites the academic community in function and direction to fulfill our mission and vision at all levels.

  • Further assessment details are located at http://effectiveness.lbc.edu/assessment.
  • The full planning and assessment document for Lancaster Bible College | Capital Seminary & Graduate School can be found at Planning & Assessment @ LBC.

Audit Students

Most courses may be audited when classroom space is sufficient. Auditors do not earn credit and are not required to submit written assignments or take examinations. If auditors wish to do the assignments and take the examinations, they should arrange this with the professor to confirm that he/she is willing to grade them. Professors are not required to grade the work of auditors. If the work is completed and graded, an audit may not be changed to credit status.

Participation in class discussions is permitted. Auditors should be sensitive to credit students and not monopolize or sidetrack discussions. Auditors should complete the reading assignments to enhance their learning and class participation.

Auditors must register to audit a course, and must attend at least one-half of the class sessions. A student enrolled as an auditor will be dropped from the course for excessive absences or when in the judgment of the professor, such action is justified. A Dean of Capital must be consulted in those situations not involving absences. The student will receive notification if dropped from the course.

Guidelines for registering are as follows:

  • Alumni: Alumni of Capital Seminary & Graduate School may register to audit a course by contacting Adult Learner Services (717-560-8282). No other information is required. The only cost is the student service fee. Limit one course per semester.
  • Students: Students may audit a course by indicating such at registration. The audit fee and student service fee will be assessed.
  • Student Spouses: Spouses of students may register to audit a course by contacting Adult Learner Services (717-560-8282). The only cost is the student service fee. Limit one course per semester.
  • Others: Other individuals may audit a course, as space is available. Admission will be granted through a non-degree application from Adult Learner Services (717-560-8282). The audit fee and student service fee will be assessed.

Campus Safety and Right to Know Act

A full Report detailing safety procedures and any consumer information is located at our consumer information page, http://www.lbc.edu/about/student-consumer-information/index.

Class Attendance

Attendance at all on-site class sessions, and participation in all online forums, is expected. Failure to fully engage in these on-site sessions and forums will minimize the benefit of the course to the student, in addition to adversely affecting one's final grade. Due to the compressed time frame for residency in blended courses, attendance is required for the full residency time. However, certain extenuating circumstances may keep a student from attending the full residency portion of a course. Proper communication from student to professor is expected for the purpose of establishing an alternate plan for course completion. Each of these rare cases will be handled individually between the professor and student.

Complaints or Grievances

The following links provide information regarding the filing of complaints or grievances against Lancaster Bible College | Capital Seminary & Graduate School or its employees acting on behalf of the college.

STUDENTS: Follow the link here for grievance policies. Students will not be subject to any unfair action or treatment as a result of initiating a complaint or grievance. Students also have the right to go directly to one of the agencies listed below.

EMPLOYEES: See the current Employee Handbook for various policies and procedures or contact the Director of People Development & Human Resources at humanresources@lbc.edu. Employees also have the right to go directly to one of the agencies listed below.

PROSPECTIVE STUDENTS, PARENTS, AND OTHERS: We encourage initial complaints or grievances to be filed with our Director of People Development & Human Resources (PDHR) at humanresources@lbc.edu. The PDHR Department has policies, procedures, and forms in place for specific complaints and grievances and can be viewed here. Individuals also have the right to go directly to one of the agencies listed below.

External Accountability Agencies

Individuals have the right to go directly to one or more of the agencies listed below to initiate a complaint or grievance if the student complaint cannot be resolved after exhausting the school's grievance procedure. The student should submit written complaints to:

Middle States Association of Colleges and Universities

3624 Market Street

Philadelphia, PA 19104

Association for Biblical Higher Education

5850 T. G. Lee Blvd, Suite 130

Orlando FL 32822

Pennsylvania Department of Education

Bureau of Postsecondary and Adult Education

333 Market Street, 12th Floor

Harrisburg, PA 17126

Maryland Higher Education Commission

Associate Director for Private Career Schools

6 N. Liberty Street, 10th Floor

Baltimore, MD 21201

Florida Department of Education

Commission for Independent Education

325 W. Gaines Street, Suite 1414

Tallahassee, FL. 32399

Tennessee Higher Education Commission

404 James Robertson Parkway, Suite 1900

Nashville, TN 37243

Continuous Enrollment

Continuous enrollment is encouraged and expected in all Capital programs. It is understood that extenuating circumstances occur which may prevent a student from enrolling in a given semester. However, this should be viewed as an exception, so the program can be completed within the five-year limit. Should a student not enroll for a 180-day period, he/she will be placed on non-student status and will need to reapply. A readmission application is available from Adult Learner Services (717-560-8282). Student records will be reviewed once a year during the summer months. See Planned Return Policy for further details.

Course Withdrawal

A student may withdraw from a course during the first sixty percent of class sessions and receive a grade of W (withdrawal). Course withdrawal beyond sixty percent will result in a grade of "F". Tuition refunds will be made according to policies established by Capital Seminary & Graduate School as listed in the section on Financial Information.

Grading System

Grades are available to students in MyCommunity (online student management system) at most 6 weeks after the end of the semester or course session. Capital follows the 4.0 grade point system. The grades, grade points, and their interpretation are as follows:

INot figured in GPAIncomplete
WNot figured in GPACourse Withdrawal
SNot figured in GPASatisfactory
UNot figured in GPAUnsatisfactory
AUNot figured in GPAAudit

Incomplete grades are given at the discretion of a faculty member.

Nondegree Students

Prospective students may apply and be admitted as nondegree students. Admission criteria and application procedures are available through Adult Learner Services (717-560-8282).

Admission as a nondegree student is considered for one of the following four reasons:

  • Anticipated Admission: The nondegree student is planning to apply as a degree student, but is uncertain as to the program or time of formal admission. A maximum of twelve (12) credits may be taken prior to admission. Credits will only apply toward the degree if they are part of the curriculum.
  • Enrichment: The nondegree student is taking master level courses for personal and/or professional enrichment. A master's degree is not envisioned.
  • PA School Certification: The nondegree student is applying only for Pennsylvania school certification. Application for a master's degree is not included.
  • Transfer: The nondegree student is taking master level courses to transfer to his/her program at another institution. The student must supply a letter from the student's institution stating that the student is in good standing and transfer credit will be accepted.

Coursework requirements for nondegree students are the same as for degree students. Upon completion of the requirements, credit is awarded and a transcript is available.

(Nondegree students are not to be confused with audit students. Please see the section "Audit Students" for information about auditing a course.)

Student Classification

Matriculating Student

Students who have formally applied and been admitted into a degree program.

Nondegree Student

Students who have submitted a Nondegree Application and have been accepted as a nondegree student. These students are not eligible to receive a degree or certificate.

Full-Time Student

Grad/Sem: Student enrolled for six or more credits per enrollment period.

Doctoral: Students enrolled for eight or more credits per enrollment period.

Part-Time Student

Grad/Sem: Student enrolled for five or less credits per enrollment period.

Doctoral: Students enrolled for seven or less credits per enrollment period.


Students not enrolled for any class for more than 180 days are withdrawn from Capital Seminary and Graduate School. Students wishing to be readmitted can obtain a Readmission Application from their assigned Student Experience Specialist. If reinstated, students are subject to the graduation requirements as contained in the catalog at the time of their readmission.

Student Rights Under FERPA

What is FERPA?

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords you, the student, certain rights with respect to your educational record once you are admitted as a student to the College.

  • FERPA Letter to Parents and Students
  • LBC FERPA Permission to Release Information Form

What are my rights under FERPA?

As a college student you have four rights under FERPA: (Forms to exercise rights #1-3 are available in the registrar's office)

  1. To inspect and review your educational record within 45 days of your request.
  2. To request amendment of your educational record.
  3. To have some control over the disclosure of personally identifiable information from your educational record, except in the areas that FERPA authorizes disclosure without student consent.
  4. To file a complaint with the US Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the College to comply with the requirements of FERPA.

What documents are included in my educational record?

Student educational records are specifically defined as all paper and computer records, files, documents, and other materials that contain information directly related to you, the student, and maintained by LBC or someone acting for the College according to policy. Excluded from student educational records are records of instructional, supervisory, and administrative personnel in the sole possession of the maker and that are not accessible or revealed to any other person, except a substitute. Additionally, notes of a professor or staff member intended for his/her own use are not part of the educational record, nor are campus security records, parents' financial statements, application records of students not admitted to the College, alumni records, or records of physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists, or other recognized professionals.

Educational records are maintained by, but are not limited to the following offices, departments, and/or individuals: Registrar's Office, Financial Aid Office, Business Office, Student Services Office, placement office, and academic advisors.

What is Directory Information?

Some information about students is considered "Directory Information." Directory information may be publicly shared by the institution without student consent unless the student has taken formal action to restrict its release. "Directory Information" at LBC includes: name, address (current, local, home, and electronic mail), telephone number (current, local, and home), date of birth, parent/spouse contact information (address and phone number), photo, major/program, weight and height (athletic teams), date(s) of attendance, enrollment status (full-time, part-time, not enrolled), date(s) of graduation, degrees and awards received, and participation in officially recognized activities and sports.

Can I control the release of Directory Information?

Yes, you can restrict the public release of directory information by completing a form available in the registrar's office. You should carefully consider imposing a restriction on the Directory Information. The limits of the College's student information system make it an all or nothing option. For example, your friends would not be able to obtain your directory information nor would the College be able to use it in graduation programs and news releases. This restriction should be reserved for extreme circumstances or on the advice of a legal or medical professional.

Who and under what circumstances can someone access my educational record?

According to FERPA regulations, no one has access to your educational record (other than directory information) without your written permission, except: (1) a school official (defined as: administrators, faculty, professional staff, staff, student workers, and students serving on official College committees) who has a legitimate education interest (defined as: the information or records requested are relevant and necessary to the accomplishment of some task or determination related to the inquirer's employment responsibilities/committee responsibilities or are acting within the course and scope of their employment and/or authority). (2) a parent or guardian who presents a certified copy of the most recent federal income tax form that reports you as a dependent. Other, less common individuals who may access your educational record without your consent include: (3) authorized representatives of accrediting agencies, as well as federal, state, and local government offices, persons or organizations providing financial aid to a student, (4) persons in compliance with a judicial order or subpoena, (5) persons in an emergency if the protected information is needed to protect the safety of the student or other persons, (6) parents regarding the student's violation of any federal, state, or local law, or any college policy or rule governing the use of alcohol or a controlled substance as long as the institution has determined that there has been a violation and the student is under the age of 21 at the time of disclosure, (7) the victim of an alleged perpetrator of a crime of violence or a non-forcible sex offense (limited to the final results of the disciplinary proceeding conducted by the College), and (8) the public in relation to a determined crime of violence or non-forcible sex offense that violates College policy or rule (disclosure limited to the student's name, the violation, and any sanctions imposed by the institution against the student).

Am I required to use my social security number as a personal identifier?

A Federal court ruling upheld the use of the social security number as a personal identifier for administrative purposes in higher education. We protect the privacy of the social security number as required by FERPA. However, you may request (form available in the Registrar's Office) the assignment of an alternate identification number. Effective January 2002, any new students admitted to LBC will no longer have a social security number as a personal identifier for administrative LBC purposes.

Which College Officer is responsible for administering the FERPA guidelines?

The Office of the Registrar is responsible for the institutional compliance with the FERPA guidelines and maintenance and release of the educational record. Questions, interpretations, further explanations, or concerns about FERPA and the College's FERPA policy are to be directed to the registrar.

How do I file a complaint with the US Department of Education?

Complaints are to be filed with the:

Family Policy Compliance Office

US Department of Education

600 Independence Avenue, SW

Washington, DC 20202-4605

Transfer Credit - Master's Programs


Transfer of Credits to Capital Master's Programs

Students transferring from theological seminaries or graduate institutions with accreditation recognized by the U.S. Department of Education will be given advanced standing to the extent that their credits approximate the curriculum of Capital Seminary & Graduate School (Capital).  Students planning to take courses at other institutions to apply toward Capital's degree programs should secure prior approval from the Registrar for acceptance of these courses.

Please see your program's Transfer of Credits section for specific policies.

Transfer of Credits to Other Institutions

Capital cannot guarantee the transfer of course credits to other receiving institutions. This is because programs and requirements differ between institutions and transfer decisions are made by the receiving institution. Students who are taking courses at Capital and planning to transfer their earned course credits to another institution should contact the receiving institution to confirm the transferability of Capital's course credits to the receiving institution.

Transfer Credit Doctoral Programs

Students transferring from theological seminaries or graduate institutions with accreditation recognized by the U.S. Department of Education will be given advanced standing to the extent that their credits approximate the curriculum of Capital Seminary & Graduate School.  Transfer credits must be from a doctoral program with a final grade of “B” or higher.  MA or MDIV credits cannot be used towards advanced standing in a doctoral program.  Students can transfer no more than 50% of a degree.  For specific information or questions, applicants or students must consult the program director.

Transcripts/Student Records


Since Lancaster Bible College | Capital Seminary & Graduate School is regionally and nationally accredited, students should be able to transfer most credits to other institutions. Copies of transcripts may be requested in writing for the established fee. Such transcripts will be forwarded by mail to appropriate institutions, but are not issued directly to students. Transcripts will not be issued for students who have outstanding account balances.

Student Records

Student records, including transcripts, are maintained electronically in a computer database and in paper form for graduates indefinitely. Those withdrawn from a program prior to completion will have their records on file for a minimum of three years from the withdrawal date. Transcripts for courses taken with Lancaster Bible College | Capital Seminary & Graduate School will remain indefinitely. All student records are kept confidential according to FERPA.