2020-2021 Accelerated Undergraduate Catalog

HSV 311 Agency Field Practicum III

The field experience course is designed to give students practice opportunities in the delivery of human services to diverse settings within social services agencies. Fieldwork provides an environment and context to integrate the knowledge, theory, skills, and professional behavior that are currently being taught in the classroom. As such, this course integrates skills and knowledge from previous courses and applies them through classroom discussions, role-play, and presentations to practical applications within the field. Through agency observation and class discussion, this course is a beginning opportunity for students to explore and refine their understanding of human services while establishing personal and professional future goals. Students are expected to complete a total of 200 between three field placements. (1 credit for each)

Specific to Field practice III - This course focuses primarily on the students learning and interactions in the agency.  Attention is given to the role of “supervision” as a learning process, as well as understanding types and usage of human service organizations. This courses synthesis agency policies, systems, case management, and organizational behavior within the field practice of helping agencies. Students are expected to complete Part II in their “Field Experience Binder” as well as complete 80 rotation hours (1 credit).

Within this finally field experience students are expected to choose one of the three agencies rotations and continue with the next 80 hours into their internship.

Course Prerequisite(s) – Junior/Senior Status, LBC 101, HSV 200, HSV 202, HSV 206, HSV 208, CNS 300, and HSV 210





Junior/Senior status required