2019-2020 Graduate Catalog

Formational Leadership (MAFL)

The Master of Arts in Formational Leadership degree is an interconnected learning community designed to equip globally minded ministry leaders in holistic self-care, digital age communication, emotional intelligence, formative leadership principles, storytelling, and global engagement. This 30 credit degree program seeks to transform individual leaders while setting a course for healthy influence within a global village. Biblical, theological, and historical models of interior leadership and influence will be studied in relation to their impact on the 21st century church.


This major prepares students to serve as leaders in the church and society through developing a biblical framework, missional convictions, and the ability to influence with integrity. Special emphasis on character formation, soul-care, and practical faith practices will be central to the curriculum. Ministry leaders will be equipped to evaluate and care for their own soul as the basis for leading and participating in the mission of God in the global church and marketplace.

Program Competencies

Biblical Philosophy of Ministry

The student will formulate a philosophy of ministry respective to their ministry community and culture, which is biblically-founded, practical, missional, and culturally sensitive.

Global and Contextual Application

The student will generate a global understanding and praxis of relationship through strategic community formation residencies.

Spiritual Health and Ministry Integrity

The student will cultivate a moral, ethical, and spiritual foundation necessary for personal spiritual growth and sustainable ministry.

Team Mentoring and Professional Experience

The student will build effective personal and professional relationships based on mutual support and accountability for the purpose of intentional ministry team development.

Biblical Communication Skills

The student will formulate theological skill sets leading to an integration of the person, ministry, and life of the leader for the purpose of communication.

Ministry Leadership Skills

The student will develop leadership competencies for the purpose of influence in a digital culture.

Curricular Structure

The Master of Arts in Formational Leadership program consists of 30 credits and three Community Formation Experiences. The curriculum is designed as follows:

Community Formation West Coast Experience 0 Credit
Interior Development Studies 15 Credits
Community Formation International Experience 0 Credit
Exterior Development Studies 15 Credits
Community Formation Hawaii Experience 0 Credit
Program Total 30 Credits

Emphasis on Ministry in a Variety of Contexts

The curriculum seeks to prepare students for ministry in the church and society through a variety of ministry contexts. Digital age ministry requires the ability to culturally contextualize theology, leadership, organizational theology, and communication skills. Also recognized as a need for ministry in the global age is the ability to create “story” and “tribal” context. Furthermore, healthy leaders give birth to healthy ministries. Therefore, intentional self-assessment, the integration of emotional intelligence, soul-care, restoration and reconciliation, and three unique team-based field experiences have been included to increase the propensity towards healthy, successful, and reproducible leadership in ministry. As students explore their gifting, affirm their callings, and create space for authentic peer relationship building, a desired outcome of interior and exterior unified skill set development is intended. The goal is to participate with the Holy Spirit in the mental, spiritual, and behavioral development of godly ministry leaders who will in turn serve God by ministering to others in church and society.

Ministering in a Global Digital Age

All ministry occurs in the local context and to “the world”. Jesus in global commissioning said to “go to the world” in Matthew 18. John 3:16-17 implies that “God sent his Son (to the world) so that none perish.” In fact, the digital age and worldwide web have made the world a global village. Research on the “Great Migration” shows that 75% of those being polled no longer live in their country of origin. Even the most indigenous tribes have access to cellphones or the internet. The United States is becoming a mission field for other world religions. We recognize that ministry is deeply dependent on a proper understanding of the Bible, theology, leadership and organizational development. In an effort to best prepare our students for ministry to the “whole world”, we will utilize an interdisciplinary approach to the curriculum.

Three Experiences – Face to Face, Experiencing the World and Doing Church as a Team

In this social media driven world, it is especially important to create room for deeper relationships. With this being the case, there are bookend residencies for the degree as well as third residency midway. The first residency is being held in Eugene, Oregon as a campfire setting in which people can sing songs, tell stories, and be known. Students will be encouraged to develop relationships to help them navigate existing ministry. The second residency in an international residency for students with the intention of creating a practical, global experience, utilizing the New Hope International network of churches in Asia. The third, and final, residency is being held in Hawaii to learn, observe and serve at New Hope which is a functional team based, digital age ministry.

Location Offered

Blended with three residencies at various locations.

Required Courses

MFL 501Self-Care for the 21st Century Leader


MFL 502Integrative Theology


MFL 503Emotional Intelligence & Digital Age Commuication


MFL 504Restoration & Reconciliation


MFL 505Leadership as Influence


MFL 506Global Community Formation


MFL 507Theology of Organization


MFL 508Shaping Resilient Teams


MFL 509Communication as Story


MFL 510Seasons of the Soul in Leadership


Travel Learn Experiences - Graduation Requirements

CFR 501Eugene Residency


CFR 502International Experience


CFR 503Hawaii Experience