2019-2020 Graduate Catalog

Professional School Counseling (MEd)

The Professional School Counseling Program leading to a Master of Education degree in Professional School Counseling is designed to provide individuals the opportunity to pursue an integrated program of study, specifically in the field of Professional School Counseling. The program has been approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Education for public school certification.

The program provides individuals with theological distinctiveness, contemporary scholarship and professional counseling skills to serve competently within both the public and private school context. The program utilizes scripture as the foundation on which skills and knowledge are developed. In addition, the American School Counselor Association National Model is utilized in the development, implementation and delivery of comprehensive professional school counseling services.  This program provides an unique opportunity to integrate both faith and practice into the field of professional school counseling.

Students who want to be eligible to take the National Counselor Examination (NCE) will need 48 credits. Also, students have the option of taking 12 credits in addition to the 48 credit degree (60 credits total) to meet the Pennsylvania requirements to be a Licensed Professional Counselor.

Purpose and Objectives

The purpose of the professional school counseling program is to provide training that will give entry-level qualifications for elementary/secondary school counseling opportunities, state licensure, and public school certification. The objectives for the programs are:

•    To provide training in the essential areas of vocational guidance, social and developmental issues, curriculum management, and crisis intervention

•    To orient the student to the elementary/secondary school counselor's role and to professional school counseling systems

•    To create within the student the ability to conduct critical thinking skills, to evaluate theory, and practice from a biblical perspective

•    To provide an emphasis on application of information and knowledge by means of supervised professional school counseling field experiences

•    To develop the student's knowledge of the foundational elements in counseling theory and research to prepare students for further study


Program Information

Curricular Structure

Orientation Seminar

0 Credits

Tier 1 - Core Professional courses

15 Credits
Tier 2 - Professional courses

15 Credits

Tier 3 - Professional courses

15 Credits

Tier 4 - Professional experience

6 Credits

Program Total

48 Credits


Location Offered

Lancaster, PA

Program Information

Location Offered

Lancaster, PA

MEd School Counseling Faculty

Resident Faculty:

Melissa Boas, M. Ed.

Freeman M. Chakara, PsyD

Ryan M. Kuehner, PhD

Gary L. Troxell, EdD

Adjunct and Visiting Faculty:

Justin D. Charles, PsyD

Sean Dougherty, MEd


Pre-program Candidacy Requirements- Biblical and Theological Foundational Courses

Students must complete all the Biblical and Theological Foundation courses prior to practicum/internship. Some exemptions are possible. Students without the 30 credits of Bible/Theology but who have taken 9 credits of Old Testament, New Testament, or Theology courses are exempt from taking the respective Biblical and Theological Foundation Courses. Likewise, a 3 credit course in Hermeneutics will exempt students from BTC 561. At the time of admission, an evaluation will be done of the students’ transcripts, and students will be informed of which courses they are exempt from taking.

BTC 521Biblical Narrative - Old Testament


BTC 531Biblical Narrative - New Testament


BTC 561Biblical Interpretation


BTC 571Introduction to Christian Theology


Tier 1: Core Professional Courses (15 Credits)

ORI 500

CPS 501Orientation to Professional Counseling Identity, Function & Ethics


CPS 508Counseling Skills in Helping Relationships


CPS 530Professional Ethics and Legal Issues in Counseling


PSC 521Foundations of School Counseling and Program Planning


PSC 555Group Counseling in the Schools


Skills and Attitudes (18 Credits)

CPS 525

Assessment Techniques in Counseling


PSC 556

Career and Lifestyle Development


CPS 575

Counseling Children and Adolescents


CPS 583

Multi-cultural Foundations of Counseling


PSC 521

Foundations of School Counseling


PSC 510

Human Growth and Development Across the Lifespan


CPS 525Assessment Techniques in Counseling I


PSC 556Career Development in Schools


CPS 575Counseling Children and Adolescents


CPS 583Multicultural Foundations of Counseling


PSC 521Foundations of School Counseling and Program Planning


PSC 556Career Development in Schools


Tier 3: Professional Courses (12 credits)

PSC 504Research and Program Evaluation


PSC 523Leadership and Advocacy in Education


PSC 526Collaboration, Consultation, and Coordination


PSC 535Exceptional Students: Population, Policies, & Procedures



Field Placement (6 Credits)

PSC 601Professional Service I in School Counseling


PSC 602Professional Service II in School Counseling


Licensure Courses (any 12 Credits; can be taken AFTER Graduation)

CPS 546Theories of Personality


CPS 552Marriage and Family Issues


CPS 540Marriage Counseling & Psychotherapy


CPS 572Counseling Addictions


CPS 550Family Counseling & Psychotherapy


CPS 553Counseling & Psychotherapy for the Individual


CPS 551Assessment Techniques in Counseling II


CPS 577Human Sexuality


CPS 546, CPS 552, CPS 572, CPS 577: Licensure course recommended for MEd Professional School Counseling candidates

Levels of Completion

•   Pre-Candidacy Level:  At this level, students must maintain a 3.0 GPA, complete all prerequisite requirements, including those set by Capital Seminary & Graduate School and those set by the Pennsylvania Department of Education, including the MMPI-2 and 16PF.

•   Candidacy Level:  To be eligible for candidacy the student must complete a minimum of 12 credits and a maximum of 18 credits. The student will provide a recent criminal history check, child   abuse clearance, Federal fingerprinting, and a mandated reporting certification. A satisfactory interview with the program director completes the candidacy process. Achieving candidacy is the   formal and final admission to your program.

•    Practicum Level:  Following candidacy, the student is eligible to apply for practicum after successfully completing a minimum of 18 credits with a minimum GPA of 3.0.

•    Internship Level:  To be eligible for the internship a student must have satisfactorily completed the practicum level, completed 30 graduate credits, and maintained a minimum 3.0 GPA.

•    Graduation:  The department chair will recommend students for graduation having fulfilled all the graduation requirements.

Certification Procedures

Students not holding a valid Pennsylvania Instructional I teaching certificate or its equivalent will have some Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) requirements to meet, referred to as the Initial Preparation Program. 

Students already holding a valid Pennsylvania Instructional I teaching certificate, or its equivalent, have no PDE prerequisites to complete prior to admission. They will enter the Advanced Preparation Program to work toward their Educational Specialist Certificate in School Counseling.


Regardless of the starting point, in order to be recommended for graduation and the Educational Specialist Certificate in School Counseling, students must fulfill the MEd graduation requirements, pass the Praxis II School Counseling exam, and complete the PDE application.

Nondegree Certification Option

For prospective students holding a master's degree, certification in Elementary and Secondary School Counseling (PK-12) can be arranged for a student without the student needing to enroll in LBC's MEd degree program. The nondegree application is to be used for admission and is available online or though Adult Learner Services (717-560-8282).

MEd Degree Without School Counseling Certification

Students may receive the MEd degree in School Counseling without PDE School Counseling Certification by completing the 48 credit MEd curriculum. The PDE certification requirements do not need to be met.

ACT 48

Courses in the School Counseling programs may be used for ACT 48 credit. Teachers may indicate their request for this credit by checking the appropriate box on the registration form when registering for classes. Nondegree students may take School Counseling classes for ACT 48 credit. Please see the "Academic" section of this catalog, "Nondegree Students" for more information.

Academic Advising

Each student is assigned a Student Experience Specialist who will help them through the admissions process, orientation, scheduling, registration, graduation, and other academic matters relating to the student’s progress through their program. Furthermore, a Faculty Advisor will be assigned to each student for assistance with Field-Based Experience and to provide a guide through the program. Final responsibility for the fulfillment of all program and graduation requirements rests with the student; therefore students are encouraged to be proactive in relating to their Student Experience Specialist and Faculty Advisor during academic studies.

Pennsylvania Licensed Professional Counselor

In Pennsylvania the academic requirement to be a Licensed Professional Counselor is 60 credits. The licensure test is administered by the National Board of Certified Counselors. Students desiring this option may take the additional 12 credits prior to graduation or after they graduate. Students wanting to take the additional 12 credits, prior to graduation must declare their intention with the Director of the School Counseling program, Melissa Boas, Director of the School Counseling Program - 717.569.7071  | EMAIL: mboas@lbc.edu during their Counseling Internship course.

Additional information about the Pennsylvania Licensed Professional Counselor is available at http://www.dos.pa.gov/ProfessionalLicensing/BoardsCommissions/ SocialWorkersMarriageanFamilyTherapistsandProfessionalCounselors/Pages/default.aspx#.VT7xiCFViko.

MEd Graduation Requirements

The following requirements must be successfully completed in order to receive the Master of Education degree:

•    Satisfactory completion of all course work

•    A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0

•    Fulfillment of all financial obligations

•    Adherence to biblical standards and ethics in living one's lifestyle