2019-2020 Accelerated Undergraduate Catalog

Academic Policies

Academic Classification

In determining a student's classification, all credits that have been successfully completed are counted. Transfer credits count toward classification when official transcripts have been received and processed.  The classifications are:

Freshmen 0-29 credits
Sophomores 30-59 credits
Juniors 60-89 credits
Seniors 90 credits and up

Academic Load

In order to be considered as a full-time student, a student must register for 12 or more credits per semester. Approval from the faculty advisor is required for a student to take more than 18 credits.


The college follows the 4.0 grade point system and requires a 2.0 (C) average for graduation. The grades, grade points, and their interpretation are as follows:

A 4.0 Excellent
A- 3.7
B+ 3.3
B 3.0 Good
B- 2.7
C+ 2.3
C 2.0 Average
C- 1.7
D+ 1.3
D 1.0 Passing
D- 0.7
F 0.0 Failure
I Not calculated in GPA. Incomplete
W Not calculated in GPA. Course Withdrawal
S Not calculated in GPA. Satisfactory
U Not calculated in GPA. Unsatisfactory
AU Not calculated in GPA. Audit
P Not calculated in GPA. Pass

Graduation Requirements

The college grants degrees and certificates to those students who meet the following standards:


  1. Demonstration of the assurance of salvation as evidenced by the fruit of the Holy Spirit and approved conduct in accordance with Christian character as prescribed in the Student Handbook.
  2. Demonstration of Christian service by successful completion of the Christian service and student internship requirements as outlined in the Student Handbook.


  1. Satisfactory completion of one of the college's programs with a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or above.
  2. Satisfactory completion of at least 30 of the last 60 credits for a bachelor's degree or at least 15 of the last 30 credits for an associate's degree or certificate in courses offered by the college.

NOTE - Upon graduation, all financial obligations and academic or financial aid documentation requirements must be fulfilled in order to receive your diploma and/or transcripts.

Application for Graduation and Ceremonies

All students need to fill out an application for graduation to signal an official audit of their credits and to declare their intention to graduate, regardless of whether or not they participate in a ceremony. Students should work in tangent with their advisors to determine readiness for graduation. More information about graduation and commencement ceremony and the application may be found at lbc.edu/graduation.

Student Rights Under FERPA

What is FERPA?

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords you, the student, certain rights with respect to your educational record once you are admitted as a student to the College.

  • FERPA Letter to Parents and Students
  • LBC FERPA Permission to Release Information Form

What are my rights under FERPA?

As a college student you have four rights under FERPA: (Forms to exercise rights #1-3 are available in the registrar's office)

  1. To inspect and review your educational record within 45 days of your request.
  2. To request amendment of your educational record.
  3. To have some control over the disclosure of personally identifiable information from your educational record, except in the areas that FERPA authorizes disclosure without student consent.
  4. To file a complaint with the US Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the College to comply with the requirements of FERPA.

What documents are included in my educational record?

Student educational records are specifically defined as all paper and computer records, files, documents, and other materials that contain information directly related to you, the student, and maintained by LBC or someone acting for the College according to policy. Excluded from student educational records are records of instructional, supervisory, and administrative personnel in the sole possession of the maker and that are not accessible or revealed to any other person, except a substitute. Additionally, notes of a professor or staff member intended for his/her own use are not part of the educational record, nor are campus security records, parents' financial statements, application records of students not admitted to the College, alumni records, or records of physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists, or other recognized professionals.

Educational records are maintained by, but are not limited to the following offices, departments, and/or individuals: Registrar's Office, Financial Aid Office, Business Office, Student Services Office, placement office, and academic advisors.

What is Directory Information?

Some information about students is considered "Directory Information." Directory information may be publicly shared by the institution without student consent unless the student has taken formal action to restrict its release. "Directory Information" at LBC includes: name, address (current, local, home, and electronic mail), telephone number (current, local, and home), date of birth, parent/spouse contact information (address and phone number), photo, major/program, weight and height (athletic teams), date(s) of attendance, enrollment status (full-time, part-time, not enrolled), date(s) of graduation, degrees and awards received, and participation in officially recognized activities and sports.

Can I control the release of Directory Information?

Yes, you can restrict the public release of directory information by completing a form available in the registrar's office. You should carefully consider imposing a restriction on the Directory Information. The limits of the College's student information system make it an all or nothing option. For example, your friends would not be able to obtain your directory information nor would the College be able to use it in graduation programs and news releases. This restriction should be reserved for extreme circumstances or on the advice of a legal or medical professional.

Who and under what circumstances can someone access my educational record?

According to FERPA regulations, no one has access to your educational record (other than directory information) without your written permission, except: (1) a school official (defined as: administrators, faculty, professional staff, staff, student workers, and students serving on official College committees) who has a legitimate education interest (defined as: the information or records requested are relevant and necessary to the accomplishment of some task or determination related to the inquirer's employment responsibilities/committee responsibilities or are acting within the course and scope of their employment and/or authority). (2) a parent or guardian who presents a certified copy of the most recent federal income tax form that reports you as a dependent. Other, less common individuals who may access your educational record without your consent include: (3) authorized representatives of accrediting agencies, as well as federal, state, and local government offices, persons or organizations providing financial aid to a student, (4) persons in compliance with a judicial order or subpoena, (5) persons in an emergency if the protected information is needed to protect the safety of the student or other persons, (6) parents regarding the student's violation of any federal, state, or local law, or any college policy or rule governing the use of alcohol or a controlled substance as long as the institution has determined that there has been a violation and the student is under the age of 21 at the time of disclosure, (7) the victim of an alleged perpetrator of a crime of violence or a non-forcible sex offense (limited to the final results of the disciplinary proceeding conducted by the College), and (8) the public in relation to a determined crime of violence or non-forcible sex offense that violates College policy or rule (disclosure limited to the student's name, the violation, and any sanctions imposed by the institution against the student).

Am I required to use my social security number as a personal identifier?

A Federal court ruling upheld the use of the social security number as a personal identifier for administrative purposes in higher education. We protect the privacy of the social security number as required by FERPA. However, you may request (form available in the Registrar's Office) the assignment of an alternate identification number. Effective January 2002, any new students admitted to LBC will no longer have a social security number as a personal identifier for administrative LBC purposes.

Which College Officer is responsible for administering the FERPA guidelines?

The Office of the Registrar is responsible for the institutional compliance with the FERPA guidelines and maintenance and release of the educational record. Questions, interpretations, further explanations, or concerns about FERPA and the College's FERPA policy are to be directed to the registrar.

How do I file a complaint with the US Department of Education?

Complaints are to be filed with the:

Family Policy Compliance Office

US Department of Education

600 Independence Avenue, SW

Washington, DC 20202-4605

Transcript Requests

Students desiring a transcript should use the Transcript Request Form located bottom right on the footer of every page on the LBC website and in the Student Portal. If there are any questions related to transcript requests, please contact the Registrar's Office.

Transfer Policy

Lancaster Bible College accepts credit from accredited institutions of higher education and from other institutions of higher education which have academic standards comparable to LBC. Transfer credit is limited to those courses which are applicable to the program in which the student is enrolled and to those courses in which a grade of "C-" or higher was earned. Only the credit is transferred; the grade and grade points are not figured in the student's grade point average. It is recommended that all transfer students to degree programs at Lancaster Bible College satisfactorily complete at least one course from Bible & theology, arts & sciences, and a professional department of the college.

Academic Probation

Bachelor's degree students with a cumulative grade point average below 2.00 at the end of any semester will be placed on academic probation and limited to 15 credits. Students on academic probation who have between the following GPA and 2.00 may participate in only one co-curricular activity at any one time:

Freshman (up to 29 hours) 1.70 GPA

Sophomore (30-59 hours) 1.80 GPA

Junior (60-89 hours) 1.90 GPA

Senior (90 or more hours) 2.00 GPA

Minimum GPAs for Associate's degree students:

25% of degree completed = 1.70 GPA

26% to 49% of degree completed =1.80 GPA

50% to 74% of degree completed =1.90 GPA

75% or more of degree completed =2.0 GPA

Students below these minimum GPAs may not participate in any co-curricular activities exceeding the credit limit. All probationary students must attend two weekly appointments with a tutor through Academic Mentoring Services (located in the Ally Center), the college’s academic support program. In addition, they must attend two weekly study hours. Study hours are offered throughout the day as well as in the evening. Hours are chosen at the student’s convenience. The specific schedule for AMS is posted on the Ally Center’s scheduling website at the beginning of each semester. The Veterans Administration will be notified if a student receiving VA benefits does not meet the academic progress requirements after serving a probationary period of two semesters. Probation students who miss 20% or more of their required tutoring appointments or study hours in the Ally Center during any one term will receive notification of academic dismissal at the end of that term, with the right to appeal.

Academic Dismissal

Any student whose cumulative grade point average is below the minimum standards at the end of two consecutive terms will be placed on academic dismissal. The minimum standards are:

Hours Registered Toward
Graduation Requirements Minimum GPA
0-59 1 .50 GPA
60–89 1 .75 GPA
90+ 1 .90 GPA

Appeals of academic dismissal may be made by the student, in writing, to the Registrar. All appeals will be heard by the Student Appeals Committee.